There has been a new dynamic in the field of orthodontics. Progressive treatment for children and teens entails several phases.
Preventive planning is the first step in a comprehensive plan of treatment and it starts at a young age and deals with the habit of thumb sucking. If the habit is allowed to go on for too long a time it can influence jaw development and cause the front teeth to protrude. Thumb sucking should be discouraged by the age of two. It is never too early to begin to introduce your child to a healthy diet as well.
The interceptive phase begins as soon as your child starts to lose his baby teeth. Your orthodontist will take xrays to make sure that the permanent teeth are lining up as they should. He will recommend space maintainers to correct any possible misalignment he may suspect. Any necessary dental work will be done with lasers and fillings will be made from a material other than metal.
Once the permanent teeth have erupted the corrective phase can begin. An orthodontic appliance of some kind will be used during this phase to begin to correct tooth and jaw alignments. Your child will be wearing his braces for some years.
The retention phase comes after the braces come off. The orthodontist will order a custom made retainer to be worn all the time at first and then less often.
Orthodontic phasing is meant as a means to promote good oral health habits and to make the orthodontic treatment process easier.