Any injury that seriously compromises the state of your child’s oral health is considered traumatic and will call for immediate medical attention.
Bleeding, a cracked tooth, a lost filling or having a tooth knocked loose are all traumatic injuries.
If you can’t stop the bleeding or if it looks as if the jaw may be broken head straight for the emergency room of the closest hospital. Otherwise alert you dentist’s office that you are on your way with an emergency situation, describe the details briefly and drive safely. Even if the circumstances don’t seem to call for emergency measures schedule a dental appointment just to make sure everything is ok.
Rinse the area with warm water and apply a cold compress. Get to the dentist asap so that he can relieve your child’s pain and work to restore the damage that has been done. If a tooth has been completely knocked out rinse it off and let your child hold it in place if he can. If not, put the tooth in a cup of milk and bring it with you to the dentist.