If your tooth is chipped or cracked your dentist may suggest using a veneer to restore its look. Composite veneers are bonded directly onto the surface of the tooth. They are made to last for at least three years. Porcelain veneers are as thin as they come. It will take two appointments to apply a porcelain veneer whereas a composite can be applied in one. Lumineer porcelain veneers are the newest in the line and are also extremely thin.
Veneers are used in cosmetic dentistry. Pitted teeth can benefit as can a discoloration or a gap.
Your dentist will advise a particular veneer for you after he has examined your teeth.
Porcelain and lumineer porcelain veneers are made with the help of a mold of your teeth. You may be fitted with a temporary until the final veneer is ready.
Your dentist will buff away a slight bit of the surface of the tooth in readiness for the veneer which will then be bonded permanently to the tooth.