Some patients feel that nitrous oxide is the best thing that has happened in the field of dental procedures. Its inception actually dates back to the 1700’s and can be credited to a man named Humphry Davey. Mr. Davey, experimenting on himself, found that the gas did indeed relieve the pain of his toothache and he was even able to block it out well enough to experience a very pleasant feeling.
Now we know that nitrous oxide should be mixed with oxygen in order to be safely administered. The combination can be adjusted according to the length of the dental procedure. Patients have described the effects as a feeling of being tickled and then being engulfed by a sense of overall contentment. No wonder more people prefer it to any other means of sedation! If a patient under the influence of nitrous oxide starts to experience any bad side effects the dentist can regulate the percentage of oxygen to that of the nitrous oxide. Tolerance levels can increase with more treatments.
A patient receiving nitrous oxide will simply breathe it in through a mask placed over the face. When the dentist turns the machine on the gas mixture will flow through a hose attached to the mask. Some machines are equipped with two masks – one to administer the gas and the other to provide the extra sensation of a pleasant aroma that the patient may enjoy during the procedure.
Nitrous oxide is fast working. Patients report feeling the effects in minutes after the therapy begins, and since there are no after effects patients can feel free to drive themselves safely to and from their dental appointment.
Inhalation sedation may be the only “anesthetic” necessary for some procedures, or it can be used in a procedure that requires an injection as well. It can relax the patient and relieve any anxiety he may have about the needle. It can also be useful for the patient who is prone to gagging.
At Southlands Dental in Aurora patient comfort is of the utmost importance. Dr. Looze and his staff and assistants make every effort to put their patients at ease. Call 720-886-0606 for your appointment.