Root canal therapy is the better known name for an endodontic treatment. The term endodontic is taken from the Greek and translates to mean inside the tooth. The enamel is the outer layer of the tooth which serves as its protective covering. Just underneath the enamel lies the dentin which is made up of more tissue and little tubes that connect with the pulp. The pulp is the center of the tooth where its’ nerves are located.
Even though your tooth enamel is extraordinarily strong it can be invaded. Injury or extensive decay can weaken the enamel and cause it to crack. When this happens the underlying layers can become infected. If the infection reaches into the pulp the nerves will react and the symptomatic pain that you feel will let you know that something is wrong.
See your dentist as soon as possible after you start to feel the pain of an infected tooth. He will need to do an exam and take x-rays to determine the progress of the infection and how much damage has been done to the root. Most endodontic treatments can be done in one visit unless there are complications or the infection is extensive.
Because Dr. Looze uses only the best in available dental technology you can be sure to receive quality treatment in a timely manner as a patient of Southlands Dental in Aurora. Call us @ 720-886-0606 to schedule your appointment.
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