We all hear how important it is to see our dentist for regular checkups in order to prevent having to deal with serious oral health issues. Having our teeth cleaned is a typical part of those checkups. Professional cleanings are beneficial to keeping our gums pink and healthy and contribute to having a good looking smile, but there’s more….
Evidence continues to show us that our general physical health is closely related to our dental health. Regular cleanings can give our teeth the strength to resist disease causing bacteria.
Gingivitis is the first stage of gum disease which is caused by the plaque buildup that turns to tartar if it is not removed regularly. Consistent brushing and flossing should be enough to control the plaque that attacks our teeth every day. Tartar on the other hand, can only be removed by a dental hygienist. If gum disease has progressed a process known as “deep cleaning” will be necessary to clean out the bacteria that may have formed beneath the surface of the gums.
Why does your hygienist finish off every cleaning by polishing your teeth? Your teeth are exposed to all kinds of stain producing foods and beverages on a regular basis. That polishing process can help to remove the stains and restore the natural whiteness to your teeth.
Keep your teeth clean and your breath fresh, call Southlands Dental in Aurora @ 720-886-0606 for your next appointment.
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