The best preventive measures are the ones that patients will actually practice. Dentists and hygienists have long advocated the use of dental floss as part of a regimen for maintaining good oral health, but for one reason or another people just don’t want to do it. There may be an alternative that all can agree on.
A water flosser can take the place of the traditional string floss that so many of us find hard to maneuver. The objective of both is to remove plaque before it has the time to turn to tartar and clean out the bacteria that forms between the teeth and under the gumline.
Flossing is recommended for everyone but it is essential for those patients who are fighting gum disease. Regular maintenance is the only way to control it. Brushing is important, but it just isn’t enough. Even the most devoted brusher using the finest electronic toothbrush won’t be able to reach every nook and cranny. A water flosser will!
The basic concept of water flossing is to use the pressure of the water to wash away any food debris that may have been left behind at the end of a typical day or after a particularly indulgent meal. A flosser usually comes with a variety of tips made for the specific purposes of cleaning around orthodontic devices or getting deep down into periodontal pockets.
Talk to Dr. Looze about the possibility of switching from dental floss to a water flosser. Make your next appointment @ Southlands Dental in Aurora, call 720-886-0606.
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