There are two stages of gum disease. Gingivitis begins to affect the gums causing redness, swelling and possible bleeding but it can be treated by upping the level of good basic oral health. A strict regimen of brushing and flossing can reverse the symptoms of gingivitis. Ask your dentist about an antibacterial mouthwash to retard plaque buildup.
If gingivitis goes on without treatment it will advance to periodontitis, the second and much more serious stage of gum disease. At this point the gums will start to recede and “pockets” will form where bacteria will collect and cause infection. As theses spaces between the gums and the teeth get deeper the risk increases. Eventually the bone structure will begin to deteriorate until it can no longer support the teeth.
If periodontitis is diagnosed the treatment will consist of scaling and root planing (SRP) or “deep cleaning.” Basically it is a more intense effort to remove plaque buildup which is the at the core of gum disease. An antibiotic may also be administered. SRP is known to be successful in the treatment of periodontitis and is usually achieved over two dental appointments.
A thorough dental exam is the best way to thwart gum disease in the earliest stage. Southlands Dental is proud of the high level of care that they provide to their patients. Call 720-886-0606 to make your appointment today.
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