You may not naturally associate a dental issue with your eating habits or your digestive system but there is a correlation there. If you are normally able to eat pretty much anything you like including crusty breads and crisp veggies consider yourself lucky but if you should suddenly experience difficulty chewing certain foods it may be a sign of trouble. Pain when chewing is a prime indication of a cracked tooth. It could also be a symptom of tooth decay or a sign of early gum disease. Take note of these indications and let your dentist know if they persist.
Trouble chewing thoroughly can mean that you are swallowing larger pieces of food that are harder to digest. If you’re having more bouts of indigestion than usual consider that it may be related to a problem with your teeth or gums.
Smoking or any other form of tobacco use increases your risk for gum disease. If you have been diagnosed with periodontitis smoking will only aggravate the condition. Maintaining your good oral health is one more in a long list of reasons to kick the habit.
The status of your general well being can have a specific effect on your oral health. Some medical conditions influence our immune systems so that we have a harder time fighting off the harmful bacteria that can lead to tooth decay or gum disease. Certain medications may also have an impact.
Make an appointment with Southlands Dental for a complete exam and professional cleaning. Call the office @ 720-886-0606 in Aurora.
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