We all know that too many sweet and starchy foods are bad for our teeth but what are some of the foods and drinks that can actually strengthen our tooth enamel and protect us from decay?
The fight against tooth decay begins in childhood. Each new generation of parents benefits from greater advances in dental technology than the one that came before, but certain basic factors are constant. Sugar for instance, is the enemy of good oral health. Some oral bacteria is harmless, some can even be beneficial but the “bad” bacteria mixes with the sugar content of the foods and drinks that we put into our mouths to form the acid that attacks our tooth enamel.
Unfortunately, a lot of the foods that we like are full of the sugar that is so harmful to our teeth. The resolution may lie in finding healthier foods and drinks to replace the ones that we know can result in tooth decay. The problem is finding replacements that we can live with and actually learn to relish.
Many fresh fruits are naturally sweet. Berries, apples and fresh peaches for instance, are great substitutes for candy bars or cupcakes. Dental patients have reported that after time they actually came to prefer the fruit and that the treats that they used to enjoy had become overly sweet to their taste buds.
A big part of your oral health is associated with your diet, but regular professional care is essential for prevention and early diagnosis. Call Southlands Dental @ 720-886-0606 in Aurora.
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