When the salivary glands fail to produce enough saliva we are said to have “dry mouth.” The more professional term for this condition is xerostomia and even though the word sounds ominous, the condition is actually a common one that dentists see every day, but the it can have a detrimental effect on the patient’s lifestyle.
Saliva is important for the prevention of cavities. It rinses away left behind food particles which can mix with the natural bacteria that lives in our mouths to create destructive acids.
When you’re hungry you get the sensation that your mouth is “watering.” That is your saliva whetting your appetite for the food that you are about to eat. Not only does your saliva help you enjoy the taste of your food but it also assists the digestive system in processing it.
You may notice some other symptoms along with a conspicuous feeling of dryness in your mouth that may signal dry mouth. Eating certain foods may cause bad breath, but if you notice it more frequently with no apparent trigger it may be a sign of dry mouth. As the condition progresses you may find it hard to swallow or to speak as clearly as you normally do.
If xerostomia persists it can lead to tooth decay and gum disease, so make sure to mention any change in the way your food tastes or any suspicion that you may have dry mouth to your dentist.
Get the personalized service that you deserve at Southlands Dental in Aurora. Call the office @ 720-886-0606.
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