Professionals normally advise patients that a proper regimen for dental maintenance includes having their teeth cleaned every six months. Some people however, are more susceptible to plaque buildup either because of poor oral health habits or an over exposure to the foods and drinks that are known contributors.
Dental patients are often prone to skip flossing their teeth. Some find it hard to maneuver the floss while others just don’t want to spend the time that it takes. If you can relate, talk to your dentist or hygienist about the easier, less time consuming ways to floss. Patients can also be confused about when to brush their teeth.
Brushing after eating is a no-brainer but so is brushing first thing in the morning, even before breakfast. This is because our body produces less saliva while we are asleep and saliva is what kills the plaque causing bacteria in our mouths. The excess plaque also contributes to that stale “morning breath” that we’ve all experienced.
Because bacteria flourishes on the sugar and starch that we put in our mouths patients are advised to cut back on the foods that encourage the growth of plaque. Your hygienist will be able to provide a detailed list of foods that are helpful in discouraging plaque buildup.
Don’t put it off! It’s important to see your dentist on a regular basis in order to prevent any serious issues. Put your dental health in the capable hands of Dr. Kalra and her staff at Southlands Dental. Call for your appointment @ 720-886-0606.
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