Brushing and flossing daily is the way to maintain a bright and healthy smile, but taking good care of our gums and teeth may also be the way to prevent diseases such as diabetes or respiratory congestion that have been associated with poor oral health.
It goes without saying that brushing twice a day and flossing at least once are both good habits, but in order for those efforts to produce good results we have to be going about them in the right way. The debate between whether to use an electric toothbrush or the old fashioned kind continues on. Why not take advantage of the benefits that both have to offer? Start your daily regimen with an electric brush that will work faster and produce more rotation, then finish up with your standard manual brush that is easier to manipulate into those hard to reach spots.
Dentists and hygienists usually recommend flossing once a day only because they know that their patients are likely to balk at doing it more often. Flossing after every meal would be a much better plan because the longer a food particle is left trapped between the teeth the greater the risk for a cavity to form. Flossing is easier than ever with the innovative products on the market today – try it, you might even like it!
The professional associates of Southland Dental consider the comfort and peace of mind of their patients a top priority. Call the office @ 720-886-0606 for an appointment time at your convenience.
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