There are any number of adages about the process of aging, some humorous some nostalgic, but the one truth is that we’ll all go through it. And as we do our body will undergo changes that will affect our physical appearance.
Our teeth form the structure that supports and maintains the shape of our face but as time passes our teeth will begin to shift position and gums will start to recede. These changes can make our lips appear thinner and our teeth longer hence the saying “long in the tooth” as a descriptive term for someone of an older age.
We can’t avoid growing older, but we can do our best to prevent some of the negative aspects that go along with it. A routined regimen of good oral health habits, a diet that includes foods that are known to be specifically good for our teeth, and sticking to a regular schedule of professional dental care will contribute to our chances of keeping our original teeth and having healthy gums well into middle age and beyond.
Even with all that preventive care some problems may crop up, but with the cosmetic technology available today most can be corrected with non invasive procedures and at a reasonable cost.
Visit the patient transformations page on the website,, to see the kind of results that you can expect, then talk to Dr. Looze of Southlands Dental in Aurora about the various cosmetic systems open to you.
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