A plan for good oral health includes regular dental examinations and professional cleanings. The habits that you practice at home also have an effect. The combined goal of these efforts is to come away with the feeling of having freshly cleaned mouth with teeth that are free of plaque buildup and cavity causing bacteria.
The most common belief has been that brushing after every meal is the best way to protect our teeth from the bacteria in the food particles that may be left behind. The truth is that every time we eat or drink something sweet or high in acidic content we are feeding the bad bacteria in our mouths that eat away at tooth enamel. Brushing when the enamel is most vulnerable will only contribute to the damage already being done. If we brush before we eat we will be removing at least some of the bacteria before it has a chance to mix with the acidic foods. Flossing after eating will take care of any food that may have gotten stuck between our teeth.
Some people maintain that toothpaste alters the way their food tastes so they want to avoid brushing before they eat. Hygienists will tell you that the sodium laurel sulfate compound found in a lot of toothpastes is what affects the flavor of some foods, but there are fluoride toothpastes that are free of the formula, so check the brand label before you buy.
Visit the website, www.southlandsdental.com and read about the varied services that Dr. Looze offers. Call the office @ 720-886-0606 for your appointment.
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